Josh McQueen

About Me

I’ve always been passionate and driven in creative fields and love to be involved with projects that excite me. First drawn to music by Queen, my favourite band. I’ve dedicated my time specializing in performing and composing, with the goal of creating music and experiences for audiences that resonate emotionally and enhance their enjoyment. If your music doesn’t illicit emotion in your audience, then you aren’t doing it right. I’m focused and adaptable, having worked in various creative fields in the past few years, such as acting or emerging markets like livestreaming.

You may be thinking, well that’s great to know but what’s that got to do with sound design? Good question, I opened with that because I wanted to demonstrate how I can use this varied and unusual background to aid my sound design work and really create something that not just anyone could create. At heart I’m a storyteller, and I love using audio to tell a story.
